Friday, October 17, 2008


This is hardest to deal with, but unfortunately that is how our country works. People with connections, rich dads, beautiful faces, pedigree find it easier to make it – not just in Bollywood, but everywhere. And sometimes it is just plain luck. There are so few opportunities in India, so many stars need to be aligned for you to make it happen. Merit and hard work is not always linked to achievement in the short term, but the long term correlation is high, and ultimately things do work out.

But realize, there will be some people luckier than you. In fact, t0 have an opportunity to go to college and understand this speech in English, you should feel pretty damm lucky to have stood by Indian standards. Let us be grateful for what we have and get the strength to accept what we don't. I have so much love from my readers that other writers cannot even imagine it. However, I don't get literary praise. I don't look like Aishwarya Rai, but I have two boys who I think are more beautiful than her.

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